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Beauty, elegance, and compassion, Diana Spencer had it all. Some may know her as Princess Diana, but she was not just Princess of Wales, her life and legacy held much more depth. She strayed from the straight and narrow line that the Royal family established, creating a closer connection to British citizens and the world. Despite her personal struggles, she used people's admiration for her to change others' lives. She broke stigmas around AIDS, helped ban landmines, and participated in multiple charitable foundations. Although her tragic death shocked and broke the hearts of many, her legacy will forever be remembered. 


  1. Who was Princess Diana? 

  2. Why was Princess Diana's death so controversial? 

  3. How are Meghan Markle and Diana Spencer’s relationships and struggles with the Royal family similar? 

  4. What is the legacy of Diana Spencer?

  5. What are some conspiracy theories around Diana Spencer's death? 

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